At the Perinatal Mental Health Project (PMHP), we address the problem of widespread common mental health conditions amongst pregnant and postnatal women in low-resource settings. We do this by supporting the integration of quality maternal mental health care into existing mother and child initiatives.

Who benefits

The PMHP works to strengthen health and social development systems so that maternal mental health care may be provided at scale, to all women who need this care.

Our beneficiaries are thus located at multiple levels. These include organisations involved in international advocacy work and global health responses; the general public; facilities and organisations (Departments of Health and Social Development, NGOs); individual mothers, their partners and families; service providers in the public service and non-governmental sectors as well as academic institutions.

Read our Mother’s Stories here

Find out how our impact translates in numbers.

What we do

We advocate for action for the mental health of all mothers – we engage with civil society work at multiple levels of government, NGOs and academic institutions.

We strengthen health and social development systems for the integration of best practices in maternal mental health services at scale – by implementing and refining service models. We address the challenges associated with childhood trauma, gender-based violence, teen pregnancy, HIV and substance misuse.

We generate knowledge to strengthen maternal mental health systems in low resource settings – by conducting research. We develop multimedia resources for knowledge transfer.

We build a critical mass of proficient service providers capable of detecting and providing basic mental health support for mothers.

How to support

Every contribution counts!

The PMHP is a non-profit entity and requires funding from external sources.

Make a donation and help to build a more positive future for women,
their children and communities,
such as the ones in Hanover Park.  

Volunteer your time and skills to the Perinatal Mental Health Project. 

Find out about research opportunities at the PMHP.

Caring for mothers
I felt like I am alone
Counselling - internal resources
Caring for carers
Training - Secret History
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Caring for mothers
Caring for mothers
I felt like I am alone
I felt like I am alone
Counselling - internal resources
Counselling - internal resources
Caring for carers
Caring for carers
Training - Secret History
Training - Secret History
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